My Personal Core Values:

  • Integrity - Always do the right thing. Act as if the world is watching even if you are alone. Do what you say. Say what you do. Actions are better than words.

  • Fitness - A healthy body is a healthy mind. Fitness shouldn’t be on the back burner. You must find time every single day to do something to make you more physically, or mentally fit.

  • Honesty - “Honest is more than not lying. It’s truth telling, truth living, truth speaking and truth loving.” - James E. Faust

  • Discipline - Self-discipline is the magic power that makes you virtually unstoppable. The ability to discipline yourself to delay gratification in the short term in order to enjoy greater rewards in the long term is the indispensable prerequisite for success.

  • Courage - You have to have the courage to defend yourself, defend your family, do things that scare, get out of your comfort zone, not care what others think of you. Without courage, life would be real difficult.

  • Passion - Live life with passion. Live every day as if it were your last day. Have a Passion for Learning. Passion creates energy and passion creates power.